Bucharest’s newly discovered heart – the Old Town
Bucharest’s Old Town, also known as Lipscani, and in Romanian Centrul Vechi (the translation for the Old Center) has become the heart of the city. Come evening and come weekend, everyone seems to be headed into the Old Town, to a pub, club or restaurant. Something new opens up there every other week, so keeping up with the development of the place is quite a challenge.
Terraces are filled almost all day long, which during the summer people who just want to walk around the little streets tend to avoid, simply because there is not much room for walking. Terraces have taken over the pedestrianized streets.
There are still derelict buildings that await new owners, so do not be surprised if you see places opening up almost overnight. The Old Town lives at a fast pace. We have spent plenty of time there and highlighted the places that caught our attention the most. There is, of course, more for you to discover on site!
There are restaurants for all tastes in the Old Town and they could fill an entire guidebook themselves. Things change at a fast pace in the Old Town, places opening, closing, changing hands, refurbishing and rebranding. The following, which are some of our favorite places listed in alphabetical order, were valid as of the beginning of August 2013.
By Corina Chirileasa & Andreea Acalovschi
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