Bucharest Botanical Garden opens refurbished section

The Bucharest Botanical Garden opened the Garden of Remedies, a refurbished sector dedicated to medicinal plants.

The newly-opened section saw the revamping and extension of its species collection, with the long-term purpose of supporting the medicinal plants sector in the Bucharest Botanical Garden and increasing the available information on the health uses of plants.

As part of the refurbishing project the green labyrinth, made up of Buxus Sinensis and delimiting the plants areas, was cleaned and trimmed and all plants were labeled. Approximately 60 percent of the 1,800 sqm Garden of Remedies was landscaped this year, with works for the remaining surface set for the spring of 2017.

The medicinal plants sector has been part of the garden since 1886. It is designed as a labyrinth and includes over 300 species of plants, grouped in 26 categories, according to the therapy areas or domains in which they can be used.

The new section can be visited daily, according to the schedule of the Botanical Garden.

Photo: Secom Romania Facebook page