Lucian Pintilie
Lucian Pintilie is one of the best-known Romanian directors and screenwriters. Aged 79, Pintilie started directing in the 60s, but was one of the leaders of the first wave of post-communist film directors. Among his best known post-communist films are Balanta/Balance, from 1992, O vară de neuitat/ Un unforgettable summer from 1994, Terminus Paradis from 1998, and Niki Ardelean, colonel în rezervă/Nikki Ardelean, retired colonel, from 2003. His most famous films from during the communist period are Reconstituirea/Reenactment, from 1968, and De ce trag clopotele, Mitică?/Why do the bells ring, from 1982, a film which was banned for several years during the communist period.
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